The Spring-Ford Area Historical Society is a non-profit corporation organized exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501c3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended.

-Contributions are tax deductible-

     The Spring-Ford Area Historical Society was first organized in October of 1984. There was an open house held at the Royersford train station on October 28th where several parties displayed collections of artifacts and memorabilia from the local area. On November 13th, 1984 the first officers were elected. Lee Wanner served as the president and meetings were held monthly at the Phoenix Savings & Loan community room.

     The purpose of this non-profit organization was for the promotion and development of information of historical value for the people of the Spring-Ford area, to include - but not limited to – research, publication, acquisition and preservation of property throughout the area.

     The Society continued to grow and develop. In 1986 incorporation was accomplished and the by-laws developed. In May of 1988 a grand opening was held for a museum located in the old Royersford train station.

     In 1995 the SFAHS found it necessary to relocate its museum and accepted an offer of space at the Bard Community Center. The new museum site on Fourth Avenue in Royersford was opened to the public in April of that year. With the full support of the membership and the community, the SFAHS continued to grow.

     In 1999 the William Lewin Plantation House property was offered for sale to the historical society through the efforts of Robert Weikel, a great grandson of William Lewin. A grant from the Bard Foundation, and local support, made the purchase possible. The settlement on the property at 526 Main Street in Royersford was completed on January 24th, 2000 and the SFAHS had a new home. After much work and a complete renovation of the barn, which houses many of our industrial displays, the new museum was opened on May 5th, 2001. This new location on Main Street offers many advantages such as: Space, visibility, easy access, parking, and the historical significance of the property, just to name a few.

     Membership meetings are held at the Royersford VFW. See the Events page for more information...

Officers 2017

William C. Brunner ….. President

Mike Stehman ….. Vice President

Joyce L. Brunner ….. Secretary

Robert Hollenbach ….. Treasurer

Robert W. Hallman III ….. Assistant Treasurer

Board Members

Dick Marshall

Robert Mull

Lynne Judge

David Hunsberger

David Landes

Robert Jones

Richard Bauer

Alan Sweisford

Joan Bender

Mike Osiol

Jim Amole

Steve Nagy

Appointed Honorary Board Members

Dawn Shaner

Harry Meitzler

Lee Wanner

Jim Burns

(12 board members - limit 12)

(4 honorary board members - limit 6)